Posted by Hello

Posted by Hello
The paintings seen here are by contemporary surrealist artist Joseph Cusinamo who originally came from Italy & now lives
in Canada in the city of Toronto. His works are beautiful & intriguing & have a haunting quality. Anyway I think
they are great.& so SURREALISM LIVES !!!
Check out his site at: http://www.josephcusimano.com/
While surfing the net searching for more sites on Surrealim I came across a great site on Surrealim entitled " VIVID SURREALISM :The Platform for Surrealism, Surrealistic Art, Design, Animation, Virtual Reality,
Literature, Automatic Writing, Surrealist Games, Poetry..."
This site includes articles on & examples of the works of the earlier surrealist painters & writers of the twentieth-century
& a number of contemporary surrealists around the world. The site includes lots of links to other related sites on surrealism.
It is from this site that I found Joseph Cusinamo's site. There are some great extras on these sites audio recordings of Cusinamo
talking about his art for instance.
Here is the address for VIVID SURREALISM zazi/ surrealism : http://www.zazie.at/Index/index.html
and also worth checking out is The Art of Koehnline website : www.koehnline.com/
Koehnline art is also surrealist but more filled in & crowded with menacing imagery.
As Joseph Cusinamo says about surrealism:
" Seeking a synthesis of the dreams, as revoked at dawn, and reality, as it disappears at sunset, the surrealists landed on
the shifting sands of the subconscious (Sigmund Freud, 1856-1939) along the shores of the sea of knowledge where rests the
concrete manifestation of reality (Friedrich Hegel, 1870-1931). Hegel's metaphor became Breton's credo...
It was the inspiration of the Surrealists to avoid presenting or representing reality and to put the emphasis on invention
and creativity by uncovering the poetic aspect of life with its kaleidoscopic multidimensional images and by tapping the hallucinatory
power of the irrational and every other possible source of metaphysical energy..."
Anyway these posted blogs of mine remind me of that old quote of worst lines ever written which goes; " He jumped on his horse
& rode off in all directions."
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to my site
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Oh yes look for pieces on Comte de Lautreamont & his Songs Of MALDOROR
, and Edgar Allan Poe the original Goth, Octave Mirbeau, Elizabeth Bishop, William Carlos Williams & Salvador Dali in
detail the grossness of George Grosz
AND in the next episode of TALES FROM CAFE APOLLINAIRE Meet the misunderstood
Marquis de Sade & Bertolt Brecht & other FREEDOM FIGHTERS !!!